Posted by Hervé Matine on May 29th, 2015


It might have been quiet on the posterfortomorrow website (sorry) but as usual that means we’ve been very busy elsewhere. Just yesterday, for example, the 85th Work Right poster exhibition opened at the International Labour Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s timed to coincide with the annual International Labour Conference, and the exhibition will welcome delegates from the ILO's 185 member States to the conference. The exhibition has been hosted by ILO’s Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch and is open until June 19. For more information on the conference and ILO, please follow these links:
More news will follow soon, we promise!

Posted by Hervé Matine on December 3rd, 2014

Work Right, Worldwide Exhibitions!

Stop Child labour, End Modern Slavery, Fair and Equal work are messages sent through our 4th "Day for Tomorrow" exhibitions worldwide!

Human Rights Day will be celebrated by some 30 "Work Right" exhibitions all around the world from Pakistan to Bosnia, Russia to Canada, flying over Turkey, Cyprus, Ukraine, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Morocco, United States and many cities in Latin America!

We would like to send a very warm and sincere congratulation to all our participants and shortlisted artists who turned our online jurors work into a very difficult mission.

Thursday December 4th is the inauguration of our outdoor exhibition in Paris and the official opening of boutique for tomorrow. We'll also launch this year's catalogue featuring 100 best posters out of 4301 proposals from 133 countries.

We will keep you posted with photos and reports through our website and social networks!

Posted by Lynda De Haan on November 26th, 2014

Poster for tomorrow 2014 catalogue is out!

Printed in landscape format on 100% recycled handmade and natural paper, Right to Work catalogue is foreworded by Corinne Vargha, Chief of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch of ILO.

Designed by Bertrand Nicolle and written by our own Will Georgi, it’s the best holiday season gift for everyone!

Featuring the 100 best posters from this year's contest, you will find amazing photos by Iranian photojournalist Aslon Arfa along with a very insightful article reporting child labour in Afghanistan and Iran.

Click here to read more about the book and its content, browse the gallery and have access to the online shop*.

Price : €20
* All preorders before December 10th receive a free copy of Draw me Democracy catalogue.

Posted by Lynda De Haan on November 13th, 2014

"Work Right" Exhibition Premiere on 4 December/ Exhibition extended to 50 days in front of new 4 Tomorrow Office in Paris

Work Right

Every year 4Tomorrow chooses a basic human right to address. In 2014 it is the universal right to fair employment. Graphic designers from around the world were invited to make posters on this theme – this year the contest received 4301 posters, setting a new record for the second year in a row.

Work Right Exhibition of 100 best posters: 50 days!

For the first time the exhibition of the 100 best posters will be held outdoors: outside 4 tomorrow’s new home in Esplanade Nathalie Sarraute, Paris. This allows the exhibition to be extended to a massive 50 days (instead of the four days possible in 2013). The intention is to make the posters more accessible to more people and engage the general public with the fight for human rights.

The exhibition premiere will also mark the official opening of boutique for Tomorrow. This is a shop inside 4tomorrow’s new headquarters selling design related postcards, books and posters. The goal is for the Boutique to become a hub for people interested in design and human rights and a shopping destination in its own rights. There is already an exclusive collaboration in the pipeline to sell an exclusive cumin version of Sablés in the boutique, developed by 4tomorrow founder Herve Matine and “Les Sablés d’Asnelles“ a 100 years old biscuit factory and more surprises...


As is now traditional, the best 100 posters from this year’s contest will also be published in a catalogue that will be launched at the premiere. This contains a foreword by Corinne Vargha, Chief of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch, International Labour Organization.

Day for Tomorrow

10 December 2014, will be the 4th "Day for Tomorrow". This day, International Human Rights Day, will see the launch of “Work Right” exhibitions around the world.

Corinne Vargha Quotation

‘Our aim, in short, is to ensure everyone can realise their fundamental human rights to work in freedom, dignity and security and have a voice at work. Raising awareness and supporting and sharing good practices the world over play a central role in those endeavours. The ILO congratulates Poster for Tomorrow on this initiative and its remarkable output. The 100 posters you are about to see, which were selected from 4,300 entries, are a moving contribution to these efforts: stark testimony to the world - and on behalf of the women, men and children they portray - that everyone should be able to enjoy their human rights and

Posted by Hervé Matine on October 5th, 2014

"Work Right" top 10 are public now!

Live jury took place yesterday October 4th in Paris in partnership with Yves-Robert Youth Hostel who kindly offered their beautiful space and facilities.

"Work Right" top 10 designers in alphabetical order are: Nacho Arbesú - Spain, Onur Aşkın - Turkey, David Criado - Spain, Kun Ji - China,Tomaso Marcolla - Italy, Sergio Olivotti - Italy, Veronika Pethő - Hungary, Tuwanon Piyanuttapool - Thailand, Liat Segev - Israel and Marco Tóxico from Bolivia. Top 10 posters will soon be published in our gallery.

This photo was taken at the end of the voting day, each of these posters are handpicked by one of our jury members.

The 100 posters selected by our jury will be exhibited around the world on "a day for tomorrow" the next 10 December, International Human Rights Day and will also be published in a catalogue. Follow our posts to learn more about the upcoming surprises on Paris exhibition!

Posted by Lynda De Haan on September 27th, 2014

We are now printing our 400 shortlisted posters!

"Work Right!" live jury will take place on October 4th. Our jury members will gather in Paris 18th arrondissement hosted by Yves Robert Youth Hostelling International.

Next Saturday night, we will give you more information about our traditional Top 10 posters. This year opening will take place on Thursday 4 December.

Along with this year exhibition we will announce you a few major changes! One of these changes is about our Parisian exhibition duration! 20 Days! It will run until 23 December.

December 10th, our "Day for Tomorrow", the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, will be celebrated by "Work Right" exhibition worldwide.

This year’s edition was made possible with the support of French Ministry of Culture, French Ministry of Labour and Council of Europe endorsement.

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 13th, 2014

4301 posters received, Thank you!

The deadline for this year's poster competition is now officially closed. We hope the extension gave everyone had enough time to get their posters in. We are very excited to announce that this year we received posters from 131 countries, including Peru. We’d like to thank everyone who entered the competition for the time and effort you put to create these posters and help us raise awareness about this important issue. We would also like to thank all of our patrons, supporters and endorsers.

Our 100 jurors are going to review these 4301 entries and vote their favourites to select 400 posters that will make up the shortlist. We'd like to thank them all for their valuable work, we are really grateful to them for their willingness to dedicate their time to our initiative.

50 Men and 50 Women from 50 countries! Check out the online jury page and see who they are

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 10th, 2014

Call for entries deadline has been extended.

3 more days to work right! to check if your entires are properly finalized; to give a chance to anyone who meets technical issues; to give everyone enough time to get their posters in. Giving a title to your artwork is to work right. 
The new deadline is Sunday the 13th of July, at midday (12:00), Pacific Daylight time. 

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 2nd, 2014

Nine Days To Go!

You have until July 10 to stop slavery, child labor, end injustice and discrimination! That sounds like a lot, but all you need to do is make a poster for this year’s competition, ‘Work Right!’ We’ve asked designers all over the world to make posters to promote everybody’s right to fair and equal employment - and we want you to join them in making a vital statement about global inequality.

Here are some important guidelines for the contest:

Don’t sign your poster!
Give a title to your artwork, plus a  short description!
Don't enter lots of similar posters!
Don’t publish it on internet or you personal social network pages
Be creative and don’t copy your friends ideas!
Take a few minutes to connect into your personal page, review it, complete it as much as you can, upload a portrait of yourself.

And good luck!

Posted by Bettina Jäger on June 20th, 2014

Work Right! -20 days to the closure!

Our 2014 call for entries « Work Right » will close in 20 days on 10 July 2014.

Make the most of the remaining time by avoiding these common mistakes:

- Don't sign your poster, only anonymous posters can be judged fairly.

- Don't enter many similar posters, you'll get your votes dispersed.

- Don't publish your entry on the internet, even on your Facebook page, it would give you an unfair advantage.

Please also consider to take a few minutes to make your account page on look gorgeous by filling up your profile information and uploading a profile picture. 
If you like what we're doing that's the right way to show your love!

More information about how to enter, click here.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on April 30th, 2014

May 1, International Workers' Day, for children as well.

Photojournalist Aslon Arfa provided us with a very insightful article and some gripping images reporting child labour in Afghanistan and his native Iran.

Aslon already shined a light on tough and less talked about social issues with his book “Black Crack in Iran”, published by Powerhouse. Black crack is a common hard drug in Iran, derived from heroin. It is much purer and much more lethal than brown heroin.

The dramatic situation he is now reporting on child labour asks for a swift and determined action from the Iranian government, but this might be a lot more delicate to handle than what you may think as a first thought. In case you’d like to know more, please go on reading the interesting article he provided us as a comment to the images.

As a journalist, you understand that your profession will force you to deal with some of society’s most pressing problems such as poverty, racism, addiction and war. You are asked to show people what is going on in the world and explain aspects of these intricate issues which are otherwise not so easy to grasp. When possible, you are expected to push governments to fight those problems and find solutions.

On my part, I have been concerned about the hardships that some children experience. Children are considered to be the most vulnerable members of society, because due to their age and limited knowledge they are defenseless.
When a child is born into a caring and prosperous family within a healthy society, you can expect them to be successful. But if they are born into a poor, addicted family and a corrupted society, what future is waiting for them?
Many of them will start seeking for a job at an early age. In other words, they become labor children, which according to the definition provided by Unicef means that “they engage in jobs that negatively affect their health and development or interfere with their education”. 

Labor children are spread out all over the world but most of them live in under-developed countries. According to the statistics provided by the International Labor Organization (ILO) there are more than 250,000,000 labor children in the world.

Iran is not an exception. According to the Iranian official statistics quoted in the bulletin of an Iranian NGO, the Association for Supporting Labor Children (ASLC), in 2004 in Iran there were 380,000 children between 10 to 14 years old having permanent jobs and about 370,000 within the same age range working as seasonal workers. There’s no doubt that the actual number is much higher than this.
Many of these children work in Tehran, Iran’s capital, because there are a lot more job opportunities for them there. They work because they do not have any other alternative, they need to provide for their families and to support themselves.

They usually live in poor neighborhoods, where they are exposed to prostitution and addiction. It’s not unusual for kids in this position to have addicted parents. In addition to Iranian youths, there are many Afghan refugee children having to deal with similar issues, with the added difficulty of being considered illegal immigrants.

I started to take photos of these children for two reasons. Firstly, I wanted to show everybody the children that work away from the public eye and whose jobs are usually harmful to them, both physically and mentally.
Secondly, I wanted to emphasize the harm and humiliation to which are exposed the children that work on the street. In this country the public is so used to this sight that they overlook them without realizing what kind of situation they are really in. 

Labor children in Iran can be divided into three main groups.

One is the children who work in factories and workshops. Their average income as full time workers is between 90 to 140 dollars per month. 

Another is the children who work in the streets, like garbage collectors, beggars, and flower sellers. They earn more money than the first group but they do not learn any skills. For example Reza, a 10-year old garbage collector that picks up mostly metals in Niavaran (a wealthy district of Tehran) told me that he earns 9 to 10 dollars per day.
Flower sellers and beggars income averages $100 per month, but during certain times of the year, like during Islamic holidays or national celebrations, they can earn a lot more. Mrs. Banasaz, head of ASLC states that some of them earn more than $500 in the month before Iranian New Year, because during that time people usually take better care of anyone around them.

The last group is children working in their own family households. For example the ones   breaking large sugar cones into small cubes or the ones that make artificial flowers.
In some villages of Iran is also common to find boys and girls working on farms, while some girls may weave carpets. They earn less than the other groups and in some cases their salaries are paid directly to their parents. Ms. Hashemi, a high ranking social worker at ASLC, said that the price of breaking a 50kg sugar cube is about $1.

The eradication of child labor needs a multi-aspect and long-term solution. Reducing addiction, combating poverty, increasing public awareness, are among the measures to be taken. However, as an immediate short-term solution what ASLC is proposing to the Iranian government is to change its attitude towards child labor.
This means that the authorities and law makers should bear in mind that due to their poverty, these children need their jobs. They should not be arrested and forced to give up working.
The duty of the government should be to supervise the work places where children work in, to make sure the types of tasks assigned are not harmful to them in any way. Moreover, the government should deploy dedicated social workers in places where children labor is prevalent. Children would then be provided with the necessary psychological and social support. In ASLC’s view, care centres delivering such services would be also useful to research these children. Both of these solutions seem very reasonable.

For what concerns us, as ordinary citizens, the least we can do is to avoid humiliating these young people and not despise them.

Finally, I should mention that ASLC, being the foremost Iranian NGO fighting the child labor issue, helped be a great deal in this investigation. Through them, I could meet labour children and families, visit their houses and work places. 
The major activities that ASLC carries out include children education, that is delivered during their free time. They also provide health and medical services, they train and counsel mothers and families, teaching them children rights.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on March 9th, 2014

"Work Right!" Call for Entries now Open

We are pleased to announce that this year’s call for entries, “Work Right!”, is now officially open. The brief is available for download in a number of languages, and more translations will be added soon.  

You have until Thursday the 10th July to enter the contest and submit your poster entries through our website. Read the full contest regulations, or have a look at our "How to Enter" and "FAQ" pages to know how to take part to the competition.

If you’d like to help to get the word out, please print the beautifully illustrated Call for Entries poster by Mauro Gatti and stick it on your classroom or office wall, thank you!
Gatti will be one of the ten jury members for this year edition, together with jury chairman David Tartakover. Tartakover has a long history of involvement with politics and social causes, dating back to his 1978 “Peace Now!” logo.

To commemorate the first five editions of the contest - and all the talented designers we’ve discovered in this time - the rest of the jurors have been selected amongst our ‘heroes’ whose posters have been been selected as the best of our previous editions. You can meet them on the Jury page.

There's a lot more we'd like to inform you about our plans for this year. In case you can't wait to know, please download and read the Call for Entry press release. In any case you'll see it coming your way very soon!

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on January 10th, 2014

2014, time to "Work Right!"

It’s now customary for us to publish our competition topic on time with the start of the second semester of the academic year. So here it is for all the teachers and students out there who have been waiting for it, as well as for all the rest of our designer friends.

For poster for tomorrow, 2014 will be the year of the right to work. That’s why we say “Work Right!” and we ask designers to make posters to promote everybody’s right to fair and equal employment.
We invite you to download and read the full text of our press release to know more.

It’s time to start looking for ideas and inspiration for your poster entries. To help you out with the task, look forward for the official brief, that will be published on 10 March, and more content that we will release through the rest of the year.

The announcement is available in various languages, and more will be provided as they get ready. If your language is available, please spread the link through your social networks and let your friends know about the competition, thank you!

Competition Calendar
10 March: Brief released. Call for entries open.
10 July: Call for entries close.
20 July: Online jury works open.
10 September: Online jury works close.
10 October: Jury works in Paris.
10 December: Competition results published. Worldwide exhibitions open.

Download the announcement:
Armenian - հայերեն
Arabic - عربی
Bosnian - Bosanski
French - Français
Hebrew - עברית
Italian - Italiano
Persian - فارسی
Polish - Polski
Portuguese - Português
Russian - Pусский
Simplified Chinese - 简体中文
Spanish - Español
Turkish - Türkçe
Urdu - اردو

Work Right!