Freedom of Expression

Posted by Hervé Matine on January 7th, 2015

The pen is mightier than the sword

The pen is mightier than the sword -  freedom of speech must prevail - solidarity with our journalist colleagues in france and beyond - our sympathy goes out to all the victims of the attack on the charlie hebdo offices

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on November 15th, 2010

Now available: poster for tomorrow mobile edition

 We're proud to announce that we've just launched our first ever app for iPhones/iPads/whatever form of Apple goodness you want to put it on. 

It's not free, but all proceeds will go to sustaining poster for tomorrow's activities. At 2.99€ it's not expensive either, especially as it's the first and (we're going to say) best social communication app out there. 

It's going to be updated soon with our "Death is Not Justice" posters, and for the moment you can browse our "The Pencil is Mightier than the Sword gallery, test yourself on quizzes on Freedom of Expression and you'll be kept up to date with our news as it happens. 

You can buy it via the iTunes Store here

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on June 16th, 2010

poster for tomorrow in Paris and Nantes

Poster for tomorrow will be present at OFFF, Paris (24-26 June) and the 4th World Forum on Human Rights, Nantes (28 June - 1 July), putting up on display what we've been able to put together so far since our project started not even one year ago.

We hope that our presence at these events will foster useful collaborations in preparation for the next big event on our agenda on October 10 2010, World against Death Penalty.

If you thought about getting in touch with us to see what you might be able to bring to the project, please drop by and have a chat with us. Please check for more information about these events on our facebook page.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on May 2nd, 2010

World press freedom day

Today, May the 3rd, has been designated by UNESCO as World Press Freedom day. A free press enables all of us to defend our rights by asking for accountability and transparency from governments and businesses and by exposing corrupt and criminal organisations.

According to Reporters Without Borders, 9 journalists have sacrificed their lives to defend this right since the start of 2010. That’s two journalists a month.

It's an ongoing battle that can have tragic outcomes in those parts of the world where governments are more oppressive. At times it's a subtler phenomenon that nonetheless has a tremendous effect in manipulating public opinion in more consolidated, or “liberal”, democracies.

The focus of our current poster competition "Death is not Justice" is the universal abolition of the death penalty. Although the link might not seem obvious, it's only through the free circulation of information that violations of a citizen's basic human rights, such as State ordered execution, can be brought before public attention and openly debated.

According to Amnesty International's statistics and projections, the death penalty is still largely undocumented in the countries where it is practiced with greater frequency, such as Iran and China. The impossibility to track the phenomenon with precise numbers - and names - poses an enormous obstacle to tackling the issue in an open manner.

On UNESCO's website you can find an interesting interview with Mónica González Mujica (as seen kneeling in the photo taken from, as she was being arrested in 1984), the latest World Press Freedom Award laureate.

Her inspiring investigative journalist work can be also found in Spanish on her association website, CIPER Chile (in Spanish), that promotes investigative journalism to empower Chilean society. 

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on March 11th, 2010

World day against cyber censorship

Today’s the world day against cyber censorship, an initiative promoted by our partner organisation Reporters Without Borders. 

Internet censorship varies greatly from country to country, with the most oppressive governments being China, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Iran. It’s striking to see how the countries that practice this form of repression are often the same that enforce capital punishment.

To know more about the campaign, please read the official statement "Enemies of the Internet" on organisation’s website or read the coverage from Global Voices Online.

You can take part to the initiative by simply spreading around the logo of the campaign. Use it on your website or facebook profile. You may download it from Reporters Without Borders website.


Freedom of expression