Posted by Hervé Matine on December 17th, 2013

Make it possible!

A home for everyone's exhibitions around the world... one after another!
We would like to share this very special edition with all of you.
Our friends in Lodz-Poland made this one possible!
Thanks to
Magda Oraczewski, Matylda Leśnikowska (owners of Moving Shop Window),
Witek Ziemiszewski and Agnieszka Ziemiszewska. They wanted to make it possible, they did it.

Posted by Hervé Matine on November 28th, 2013

This year's catalogue is here!

This year's catalogue is here, and pre-orders will enjoy a special discount!

As it's our five year anniversary, we've pulled out all the stops to make something extra special.

There are two volumes: posters and photos. The posters volume features the 100 best posters from this year's contest, the photo volumes features photo reportages on homelessness from Bolivia, Colombia, USA and India.

The catalogue's design aims to bring home the reality of homelessness: no protection from the elements except for cardboard, and without this basic form of cover, the book will quickly lose its shine, crease and pick up dirt, just like anything or anyone abandoned on the street.

The catalogue is priced at €40 shipping not included.
All orders made before 10 December receive a 10% discount (35€ + shipping), while student pre-orders qualify for a 25% discount (30€ + shipping).

Posted by Hervé Matine on November 5th, 2013

Your chance to host a "A Home for Everyone" exhibition

10 December will be our third "A Day for Tomorrow", the day we commemorate International Human Rights Day by launching all our exhibitions across the world. And we'd like to invite you all to join us by hosting your very own exhibition.

So if you're a school, designer, professional associations or an NGO, or if you'd simply like to hold the exhibition in your back garden, we'd love to hear from you. We provide the posters for you free of charge - our hope is that local organisers can build conferences, roundtables and workshops around the event to spark the debate in their communities and get people talking about the right to housing.

If you're interested, please read the detailed call for entries here or drop us an email at exhibitions (at) posterfortomorrow [dot] org.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on October 9th, 2013

A Home for Everyone, the 10 Best Posters revealed

Every year we choose a basic human right to address. In 2013 it is the universal right to housing. Graphic designers from around the world were invited to make posters on this theme – this year the contest received 3461 posters, a new record.
Before the live jury met in Paris, a shortlist of 400 posters was made by an online jury of 50 women and 50 men representing 50 different nationalities. They include young and more experienced graphic designers, professionals in the human rights field, museum curators, media journalists while others represent NGOs, institutions and the rest of our project partners.
The final 100 posters were selected in one day at Paris’ 13th arrondissement city hall by an international jury of 13 leading graphic designers.
As it is tradition, at the end of the jury process each member of the panel is asked to pick his or her favourite poster out of the 100 they selected as the best competition entries. Their personal picks make up the top 10, which we are now making public.
On Thursday 5 December the rest of the 100 best posters will be unveiled at the World Premiere of the “A Home For Everyone” Exhibitions at Les Arts Decoratifs in Paris.
Download a pdf file of our press release in English, French or Spanish

Posted by Hervé Matine on October 4th, 2013

"A Home for Everyone" live jury selects the 100 best posters

"A Home for Everyone" live jury took place today. Our 13 jury members met at Paris' 13th Arrondissement City Hall, which kindly offered the necessary facilities to hang the 400 shortlisted posters.

We're sorry we can't share more photos of the jury process with you, but the poster selection is embargoed until the opening of our traditional premiere exhibition at Les Arts Décoratifs in Paris, where the 100 best posters will be revealed. More information about the 10 best posters and their authors will follow soon.

This year the opening will take place on Thursday 5 December and the exhibition will run until 8 December.

As is traditional, 10 December, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, will be our "Day for Tomorrow". On this day "A Home for Everyone" exhibitions will open all around the world.

Last but not least, we're very happy to announce that the French Minister of Territorial Equality and Housing is offering its patronage and financial support to the project.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on September 1st, 2013

Getting the poster back: mission (almost) accomplished.

If you follow our project you should know by now that we lost all of the posters received for "A Home for Everyone" just after the closing of the call for entries. The good news is that we got back most of them.

As a matter of fact, during August we were busy getting all the entries back. It worked, because most participants already did enter their posters again, but a few couldn't do it because they were away for holidays and left their artwork at school or work.

Now that most people is back home, we opened our upload form again. It's open only for those who participated but didn't resubmit their artwork (and for them only) until September 9 at 23:59 (GMT +1).

If you are one of those participants, by now you should have received an email with detailed instructions.
Even if you didn't get our message, all you have to do to send in your poster again is to log-in our website and access the upload form through your account page.
The upload form works exactly like when you uploaded the poster the first time, with the added bonus that you won't have to enter all the poster details again, only the artwork file.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on August 23rd, 2013

Online Jury at work!

The first round of voting has already started, carried by an online jury, specifically composed as the most culturally and professionally diverse panel that could competently judge the submitted entries. It comprises 100 jurors, 50 women and 50 men, representing more than 35 different nationalities.

 They are young and more experienced graphic designers, professionals in the human rights field, museum curators, media journalists while others represent NGO’s, institutions, foundations and the rest of our project partners.

It's an amazing pool of talent, so we would like you to discover more about them and their precious work. Please check out the online jury panel page.

Posted by Hervé Matine on August 2nd, 2013

We're still missing lots of posters!

We have currently received about 70% of the posters received for this year's contest. That's great - and we'd like to thank everybody who has resent their work! But that means we're still missing lots of posters - and we'd like to ask everybody yet to resend their poster to do it ASAP!

If you still haven't resent your poster, you will receive an email from us with a link to re-enter your poster as simply and quickly as possible. We've extended the deadline to the 9th of August to allow people on holiday to enter their poster in time. The online jury will start voting on the 10th of August, so this is your last chance to make sure your poster will be considered for this year's contest.

If you think you will be unable to send us your poster before this time, please get in touch so that we can try and find an alternative arrangement for you.

In case you know other people that took part in the contest, please get in touch with them to help us get all the posters back in time!

Thank you very much!

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on July 17th, 2013

Our Server Was Wiped Out...

We're very sorry to say that we've got some bad news. Our server crashed yesterday due to an unknown technical problem, causing all the data to be erased. We managed to recover most of the data from back ups - but all of the entries for this year's "A Home for Everyone" competition were lost. We're currently investigating the cause of the crash, but we're devastated - as we imagine everybody who entered the competition is too. 

So to make sure we can still make an impact and draw attention to the issue of homelessness, we're going to ask everybody who entered a poster to send their entries in again. All the participants will be contacted by email with a link to resubmit their poster. In the meantime, please don't send us your poster as an email attachment or in a Facebook message, thank you.

We would like to reassure participants that we will continue to enforce competition rules as strictly as possible. We still have the emails of everybody who entered and all the information regarding their entries (authors, tags, description, etc.).

We apologise for this inconvenience and we would like to thank you for your help and patience in resolving this issue! 

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 15th, 2013

Competition Closed!

The deadline for this year's poster competition is now closed. We received 3461 posters -  a fantastic total! It's even more than our record total last year - so we'd like to thank everybody who has entered the contest and everyone who has helped us organise, promote and run the contest!

We'll give you more news soon - until then, please raise a glass to all of our entrants!

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on June 20th, 2013

-20 days to the closure of 2013 call for entries

It's time to get busy: our 2013 call for entries "A Home for Everyone" will close in 20 days on 10 July 2013.

Make the most of the remaining time by avoiding these common mistakes:
- Don't sign your poster, only anonymous posters can be judged fairly.
- Don't enter many similar posters, you'll get your votes dispersed.
- Don't publish your entry on the internet, even on your Facebook page, it would give you an unfair advantage. 

Lastly, please consider to take some time to make your account page on look gorgeous by filling up your profile information and uploading a profile picture. 
It's not required, but you'll do us a great favour. If you like what we're doing that's the right way to show your love!

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on April 18th, 2013

Monthly Brief #2: A case study on El Alto, Bolivia

It took more than a month, but finally our second monthly brief instalment is out!
The issue we wanted to tackle this time is the right to adequate housing. It's a phenomenon that matters for its sheer numbers (900 million people around the world live in a slum) and because it shows no sign of slowing down, as people are still moving to cities looking for wealth and a better life, often finding none of either.

Rather than amassing some statistics, we thought we’d give you a local viewpoint. So we asked our friends Susana Machicao and Victor Hugo Ordoez Kock from La Paz, Bolivia to create a written and photographic portrait of El Alto for us, to give you an idea of what life is like in one of the world’s youngest, most thriving and hardest cities. We'd like to thank both of them for this powerful report.

Click here to download the PDF (in English), we hope it inspires you.
The first monthly brief and "A Home for Everyone" competition brief (available in many languages) can be found at this link.

Posted by Will Georgi on March 10th, 2013

A Home for Everyone Contest Now Open!

As we hope you’ve noticed, we’ve now published two briefs for A Home for Everyone – with two more to come – and we’re pleased to tell you that from today the contest is open for entries.

Regulations are now available in English on our website (in PDF format) at this link. They will soon be available in other languages as well.

As in previous years, you enter the contest via our website. It’s still free to enter, you can still enter up to 10 (original) posters and it still should be very easy for you to upload your poster if you’ve read the regulations in advance. Please, please read these to check entry specifications and technical requirements – it will save you a lot of possible time and heartbreak.

We are very glad to disclose the names of the jury members (as contained in the regulations as well). They are 12 very extremely well known graphic designers from France, Europe and many other parts of the world.
Here are their names (and personal or portfolio website links, if available):
Antoine Abi-aad, Lebanon   
Noma Bar, Israel   
Michel Bouvet, France   
Marisa Gallen, Spain   
Ayse Karamustafa, Turkey   
Alain Le Quernec, France   
Anette Lenz, France
Rico Lins, Brasil
Lena Sando, France
Teresa Sdralevich, Belgium
Annik Troxler, Switzerland
Agnieska Ziemiszewska, Poland

As usual, the jurors will select the 100 best posters that will be part of our book and exhibition. This year we'll celebrate the 3rd edition of "A Day for Tomorrow", the series of events and exhibitions around the world that will open simultaneously next 10 December and display the 100 selected posters.

The regulations will also explain the judging process and list the awards.
That’s it! The contest is open until noon, pacific daylight time, 10 July 2013. Good luck!

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on February 11th, 2013

Launching the poster for tomorrow monthly briefs

As you know, every year we publish only one  brief for our yearly poster competition. This way of conducting the contest has been fine so far, but we reckon that it started to show some limits.
We receive lots of entries that are let down by choosing to use a line or a visual taken almost literally from the brief - instead of an original concept.

This year we are determined to do our best to avoid this, by giving everyone more material to be inspired from.


In March, April and May we’re going to publish a brief written by a member of our international network that we hope will give deeper, more personal insights into the right to housing issue. They’ll be briefs written from a local perspective, supported by facts, photos and opinions that we hope will provide a valuable insight into the issue from another part of the world. But that’s next month. 


The focus of this month’s brief is statistics. We love statistics. You can’t argue with statistics and they help bring a huge issue like the right to housing down to a more manageable and understandable level. 


In case you're interested, please click on the links below to download the PDF in one of the three available languages:

A Home for Everyone - Monthly Brief #1 - English

A Home for Everyone - Monthly Brief #1 - French

A Home for Everyone - Monthly Brief #1 - Spanish

Posted by Hervé Matine on January 10th, 2013

2013 Call for entries announced: A Home for Everyone

We're announcing today our 5th annual call for entries for social communication poster designs. This year topic will be the right to housing. Click here to download a PDF version of the call for entries.

Since 2009, we have grown into a movement that can't be ignored. Last year, we received an outstanding 3000+ entries from 105 countries for our "Gender Equality Now!" competition. This year we'd like to surpass that number to make our message be heard even more.
All it takes to be part of this project is to submit a poster design.

The website will be open to receive entries from designers and design students from all over the world starting 10 March. The deadline for entries is 10 July 2013.

An international panel of 100 online jury members will shortlist received entries, while our 12 jurors will meet in Paris next October to judge the 100 best posters entries.
These will make up the exhibition and catalogue that will be displayed worldwide next 10 December, International Human Rights Day and third edition of "A day for tomorrow".


A HOME FOR EVERYONE - A place where to live, not to sleep.

‘Home’ means something different to all of us. The place where we grew up, the place where we live at the moment, the place we come to relax or entertain our friends after work. But for far too many people home remains a distant dream, a place to aspire to, as they try to eke out an existence in sub-standard accommodation or sleep rough on the streets because they have nowhere else to go.
It doesn’t have to be this way.

The United Nations has enshrined the right of every man, woman and child to a place to live. Not somewhere to shelter from the elements, but a place to live in safety, security and ‘in peace and dignity’.

This is what poster for tomorrow is campaigning for in 2013: the universal right to housing. It’s a huge issue, which is why we’re going to be approaching it slightly differently this year.
There’ll be one central brief as usual, but every month from February until June we’ll release a new brief addressing a different aspect of the issue: causes, facts, consequences and solutions. But for now we’d like to invite you to concentrate on one thing: the right to housing.



We all deserve a home.



A home is the start of a better future


We’d like you to think about what a home represents – how it’s more than just four walls and a roof. What it represents to the millions of people living in slums, temporary accommodation or on the street is a future. A chance to break the cycle of homelessness, escape poverty, become a full member of society and live a ‘normal’ life free from the worries of where you’re going to sleep or what dangers you’ll face while sleeping rough.

The reasons why someone is homeless or living in sub-standard accommodation are endless – poverty, bad luck, addiction, mental illness, eviction, a lack of affordable housing, relationship problems, domestic violence – but be they personal or societal, there’s one solution. A home.

In 2013, with more people living in cities than ever before and the current economic crisis showing no signs of abating, it’s an issue that needs addressing more than ever. It remains an issue hard to define, harder to tackle and hard to address.
It doesn’t matter why people are homeless, what matters is that they have the right to a home and the chance it represents to build a new life.




10 January Call for entries announcement
10 March Call for entries open
10 July Call for entries close 
20 July Online jury works open
10 September Online jury works close
10 October Jury works in Paris
10 December Worldwide exhibitions open


A Home For Everyone