Kate Preston

United States

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Inspired by the beautiful coastline my school, Roger Williams University, I went out to take pictures of both the trash lining the shores and the stunning nature. I chose to frame my poster with a beautiful picture of the ocean and a satirical statement, ‘all natural trashcan’. This is ironic because the millennial generation is into the all-natural diet and products, however they don’t seem to think about the all-natural environment they live in before they throw their trash on the ground. I hoped this combination of a beautiful image and a satirical statement would make the viewer think about their own actions. I also included a small statistic from unesco.org to put the issue into perspective for the audience.
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A Planet for tomorrow

Welcome to our 2018 edition!
It will be a year of significant change for us: the final edition of our poster contest in its current form. You can find the reasons for this decision here, together with the announcement of this year's them. On a practical level, the schedule for the poster contest has condensed into seven months.


All Natural Trash Can

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