Nele Schäfer

South Africa

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My poster idea focuses on the sustainable development goal of Climate action. The poster shows a scene where a wealthy businessman/politician is standing in front of a flushing toilet, whilst looking almost lazily, at the time on his wristwatch. The main focus of the poster is on the flushing toilet, as the words draining down the vortex of water are some of the sustainable development goals, that are directly influenced by global warming and climate change. This feature, along with the logo ‘Royal Flush’ on the toilet lid and the slogan of the poster, play on the idea that by not acting to do something against global warming or climate change, you are wasting everyone else’s efforts, by almost literally flushing these down the drain.
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A Planet for tomorrow

Welcome to our 2018 edition!
It will be a year of significant change for us: the final edition of our poster contest in its current form. You can find the reasons for this decision here, together with the announcement of this year's them. On a practical level, the schedule for the poster contest has condensed into seven months.


The Royal Flush

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