
shanshan LI


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Nowadays, with the rapid development of the Internet, the speed of news dissemination has doubled, and the cost of fake news has also become lower. Even if the news circulated by an unnamed author on the Internet will arouse public opinion and win the attention of others. The reason behind it is that people always follow the masses, and the herd mentality puts the group above the individual. We need to reflect and need to maintain reason and judgment. 如今互联网的快速发展,新闻传播的速度也加倍增长,虚假新闻的成本也变低,就算是互联网上一个没有名字的作者散发的消息都会引起舆论,博取别人的关注。 而背后的原因也在于人们总是随波逐流,从众心理使群体凌驾于个体之上,我们需要反思,需要保持理智和判断。
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Fake news might feel like a recent development that has only come to prominence since the election of one politician who shall not be named, but the practice of spreading rumours and misinformation is as old as the printed word.

People have always twisted the truth, or simply told lies, to get what they want (or change the world). But now we have the ability to share information faster and wider than ever before. It used to be only a few media outlets or government sources that could shape public thought, but now everyone can.

And unlike the media or government, none of us are held accountable for what we post. As there are few laws or fines that can be thrown at us for posting lies, there is no incentive to act responsibly in the public sphere. Get likes (or votes) first, worry about potential consequences later. If the self-styled leader of the free world can’t be held to account for regularly tweeting and spreading blatant untruths, then what stops everybody else from doing the same?



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