Meng-Ju, Kuo Kuo


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月蝕的現象表示地球被人類侵蝕的樣貌。 以圖地反轉(Negative Space)的設計在月球的另一半有著人臉,這顆地球是黑白的,宛如月亮的表面,但又隱約看到地球的土地,表面充滿著髒空氣,軌跡會循環,最終用草底以及綠葉的滋生回歸圓球,但這顆星球卻依舊充斥著灰色髒污,無法復原。 The phenomenon of lunar eclipse indicates that the earth is eroded by humans.Negative Space has a face in the other half of the moon.This earth is black and white like the surface of the moon, but vaguely seeing the Earth’s land. The surface is full of dirty air, but track will cycle. In the end, the grass is returned to the ball with the green leaves. But this planet is still filled with gray dirt and cannot be restored.
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A Planet for tomorrow

Welcome to our 2018 edition!
It will be a year of significant change for us: the final edition of our poster contest in its current form. You can find the reasons for this decision here, together with the announcement of this year's them. On a practical level, the schedule for the poster contest has condensed into seven months.


Orbit of the Earth

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