Posted by Hervé Matine on December 10th, 2016

Make Extremism History Exhibitions are open worldwide!

Yesterday poster for tomorrow celebrated the opening of more than 20 simultaneous exhibitions all over the world.
Our annual Parisian exhibition took place in boutique for tomorrow, la Halle Pajol.
We would like to thank who supported in this year event: Our partners, French Ministry of Culture, Unesco, Mairie de Paris as well as those artists who made the journey form their countries to Paris to attend the exhibition.
We will share more photos from all the venues on facebook!

Posted by Hervé Matine on December 1st, 2016

The 100 best posters book is now released!

We are pleased to announce you the release of this year’s book. It’s published in partnership with ARCHIVIA, an Italian design house creating objects related to design and architecture. In three languages, it showcases the 100 best posters of the 2016 edition.
160 pages printed CMYK on Munken 100g. paper. Silkscreen printed cover with a beautifully coton thread binding. You can place your order here

The exhibition will display the 100 best posters from December the 8th in many different cities across the world.
Our open-air exhibition will take place at the Halle Pajol in Paris, 18th arrondissement, which will allow a great number of visitors from all over Paris as well as neighborhood inhabitants come and enjoy it.

Posted by Bettina Jäger on November 16th, 2016

Make Extremism History | Exhibitions

100 posters to “make extremism history” | 50 days exhibition in Paris - Halle Pajol
This year exhibition will display the 100 best posters selected from over 5300 posters, first by an online jury of 100 people and then by a live jury gathered in Paris on 10 October 2016.
This open-air exhibition will take place at the Halle Pajol in Paris, 18th arrondissement, which will allow a great number of visitors from all over Paris as well as neighborhood inhabitants come and enjoy it.
Day for Tomorrow
December 8, 2016 will be the 6th “Day for Tomorrow” that we organize. This World Day for Human Rights will be the day of the opening of exhibitions Make extremism history in several cities around the world.
Confirmed exhibitions: Istanbul, Ankara, Sarajevo, Quito, Guayaquil, Doha, Aix En Province, Le Renouard, Chelyainsk, Karachi, Mumbai, Kermanshah, Morocco, Thessaloniki, Gainesville.

Posted by Hervé Matine on October 11th, 2016

Make Extremism History! Live Jury Update

Yesterday our live jury team gathered in Paris to spend a day selecting the best 100 posters of this year’s competition. These were taken from the shortlist of 400 posters chosen by our 100 online jury members to whom we also want to send a big thank you!
On a slightly less positive note, we feel that we must point out that while we received more than 5300 posters this year, only 2970 were eligible for the competition. The rest were eliminated because they had been entered anonymously (around 800) contained signatures (around 400), shared elsewhere on the Internet (around 400) or represented a very extreme or offensive answer to the ‘make extremism history’ brief.
However, we are very happy with the overall quality of the posters and the results of the jury’s deliberation will be announced a few days before the end of November. The international premiere of this year’s exhibition will take place on Thursday 8 December.
Finally we would like to thank the French Ministry of Culture, our partner Unesco, and Paris City Hall – as well as all the jurors - for their support throughout this process.
Check out our Top 10 posters here

Posted by Bettina Jäger on September 30th, 2016

Make Extremism History! Live Jury in Paris

We're pleased to inform you that the preselection is now over. Once more, we'd like to thank our 100 online jury member who took part of this tough mission. It takes time and concentration to go through such a large number of entires.
Our live jury team (see here) is going to gather on Monday October 10th in Paris. The jury session is kindly hosted by Yves Robert Youth Hostelling International.
We also would like to thank Unesco our partner in this year edition and French Ministry of Culture and Paris City Hall for their support.

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 15th, 2016

Deadline Extended 8 more Hours!

Martial Law Declared
Deadline Extended 8 more Hours!
We are receiving many emails from our Turkish friends... They dont have an easy access to internet!

Posted by Bettina Jäger on July 9th, 2016

Deadline extended until 15 July! And news, news, news.

After being so quiet for so long, we’ve got a lot to tell you…So much so that we’ve given you an extra five days to finish up your entries (or even make some new ones). The new deadline is Friday 15 July: upload your posters here: you have to sign in
And now for some news. We’re sorry that we’ve been quiet. We’re busy organizing and running a series of international workshops to create posters protesting against the death penalty.
The good news is that we received patronage and financial support from the French Ministry of Culture and The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to run a series of 12 workshops.
To date, we have successfully completed 9 workshops around the world, with more to come. Each was a big success. Here’s Herve: “We started in Chelyabinsk (Russia), then went to Taipei (Taiwan), Istanbul (Turkey), Sfax (Tunisia), Marrakech (Morocco), Cairo (Egypt) and just returned from Ankara (Turkey). Thank you so much to Bertrand, Tommaso, Ginette and Cedric to all of you involved in the organization of the workshops. Together we completed 9 workshops with 145 participants and produced 255 posters.”
However, the continuing controversy surrounding the death penalty has made it difficult (or impossible) to have workshops in some countries.  We deeply regret this, as debate is impossible if only one person isn’t prepared to listen to the other.
At the start of this year we wanted to bring people together to make extremism history. Sadly the problems that we talked about in the brief refuse to go away. We have felt this on a personal scale: we lost friends in a bombing in Burkina Faso’s bombing in January, and have lost friends in Pakistan too. Recent political events in Britain show just divided a ‘united’ country can be.
This is why we urge you to make a poster to stop extremism and encourage collective action. We should never forget that we are stronger together, not apart.

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 5th, 2016

Make Extremism History

5 Days to go!
Keep working, keep uploading!
It's been a while that we didn't say anything! We are working on it. We have a lot to share.
We will get back to you in a few days!

Posted by Hervé Matine on March 9th, 2016

"Make Extremism History" Call for Entries is open!

We are pleased to announce that our 2016 call for entries, "Make Extremism History” is officially open. Now, you have until Sunday the 10th July to enter the contest and submit your poster entries to our website.

The full brief is also available for download in more than 20 languages at this URL:

Once more, We would like to thank, Jean Jullien for his artwork made for poster for tomorrow. A very special thanks to Riccaro Guasco for his involvement in our 2016 campaign.
Here is a link taking you to his website, allowing you admire his work. This is a part of what he wrote on his recent post about his illustration:

... You will find 2 men, hand in hand representing different phases, one is red, who raises always his voice and wants always to win, no matter if the price is to use force while the other, rose, to whom if you give a hand, that can change the world.
Get busy!

Posted by Hervé Matine on February 12th, 2016

Make Extremism History

The brief is here!

The call for entries doesn’t open until March 10, but you can already download the brief for this year’s competition. It’s available in several languages - Arabic, Bosnian, Croatian, English, French, GreekItalian, Korean, Macedonian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Serbian and Turkish [Check Here to download them in pdf file ] - with more to come.
As you might notice, the cover is graced by a special illustration by Jean Jullien. His iconic “Peace for Paris” symbol last year showed the power of graphic design to unite and inspire people, so we’re honored that he stands with us this year. Merci Jean!

Posted by Hervé Matine on January 11th, 2016

A community for tomorrow

As you all know, for the last seven years poster for tomorrow has focused each year on a basic human right, from freedom of expression to the universal right to healthcare. We’re proud of what we’ve achieved and the community we’ve established in this time. However, we can’t ignore the fact that nothing has really changed since 2009. Too many people don’t earn a fair wage, women still aren’t treated the same as men, and the death penalty is enforced all over the world.
Although we weren’t trying to solve these issues, it’s made us feel that we need to adopt a different approach for 2016.
We believe that the number of posters we have received each year shows the potential of social communication. Together we’ve helped raise awareness of the issues we addressed, and outside poster for tomorrow, the response on social media to events like the shooting in Paris, shows that people unite behind strong imagery when it’s provided.
This offers hope - and this is what we need in 2016, in a world where boundaries are becoming less and less meaningful. Now more than ever, we are one people. No matter where we live, we are all equally powerless in the face of war or environmental disaster. We need to realize that we live in this world together – and our best way of surviving, and prospering even, is by working together ‘for tomorrow’.
If we want to think about a better future, we need to do so on a global scale. We need to reject the politics of confrontation and stop thinking in absolute terms of right and wrong, of them and us.
We need to put aside our difference by talking and listening to each other and taking action to determine our own futures, as it’s clear that our governments (who are too tied down by commercial or political restrictions) won’t act unless we demand it. We need change to come from the bottom-up: from us.
This can only happen in a world that is at peace with itself, where people are equals, not divided by labels, nationalities or religion.
That’s why we want to ask you to campaign for a world in which we all are truly equal: if that’s not a basic human right, what is?
We want you to help us create a community of people for tomorrow who will talk to each other, ask questions, listen to the answers and act. Together.
We’ll hope you join us in this new direction.
We might not change anything, but that’s not the point. It’s the start. Hopefully someone will listen. To paraphrase what we said back in our first edition, one person is a start: ten, a thousand is a movement that can’t denied.

Make Extremism History