Posted by Hervé Matine on October 25th, 2014

Reyhaneh Jabbari, 26, was executed in a Tehran prison this morning!

She had been convicted of killing of a man whom she said tried to sexually abuse her.
She had spent five years on death row for stabbing a 47-year-old surgeon who had previously worked for the intelligence ministry
Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review Working Group to hold twentieth session in Geneva from 27 October to 7 November.Post for tomorrow is urging everyone, to join Amnesty International call on states to use this opportunity to strongly condemn Iran’s use of the death penalty.calling on states to use this opportunity to strongly condemn Iran’s use of the death penalty.

The UN and bodies including the European Union and Amnesty International had said that the interior designer’s confession for killing Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi in 2007 was obtained under intense pressure and threats from Iranian prosecutors, and she should have had a retrial.

Ahmed Shaheed, the UN’s human rights rapporteur on Iran, said in April that the killing was an act of self defence. Sarbandi had offered to hire Jabbari to redesign his office and took her to an apartment where he tried to sexually abuse her.

Iranian actors and other prominent figures had also appealed for a stay of execution.

To read more about this tragic news click here.

Posted by Hervé Matine on October 9th, 2014

October 10th, World Day against the Death Penalty

Worldwide abolition of the Death Penalty is a priority!
Death Penalty is incompatible with human’s dignity and too many countries are still practicing it.
It is barbaric and not forbidden by international human rights yet.

Let’s celebrate this day by participating in a debate, an event or taking the initiative to organise an action bringing us one step closer to worldwide abolition.

The 2nd issue of poster for tomorrow’s Cultural magazine is released this morning.
It’s entirely dedicated to the universal abolition of Death Penalty.
A series of postcards are also printed to be distribute all day along!

Here is the link to download our newspaper #2 in pdf:

Posted by Hervé Matine on September 19th, 2011

Troy Davis facing imminent execution in Georgia!

Raise your voice against legal murder! Troy Davis was convicted on the basis of witness testimony – seven of the nine original witnesses have since recanted or changed their testimony. He has survived three previous execution dates, because people like you kept the justice system in check! Let Georgia authorities know you oppose the death penalty for Troy Davis! 

Davis continues to face execution on Wed., Sept. 21 at 7 pm EDT.

TAKE ACTION! Join Amnesty International's petition and sign

Posted by Hervé Matine on December 22nd, 2010


The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a third resolution calling for a universal moratorium on the use of the death penalty. The result is that the Secretary-General is requested to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session on the implementation of this third resolution.

So while this isn't the perfect result we were hoping for, it represents significant progress. We can now see the beginnings of a genuine global movement towards abolition - and that can only be a good thing.

We'd like to congratulate everyone who was worked towards this and we hope for more good news in the future! Until then, the fight goes on...

And happy Holidays from everyone at poster for tomorrow.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on October 15th, 2010

Our book: shipping now from Paris

We’re pleased to announce that this year’s poster for tomorrow catalogue is now available to order. The catalogue contains (of course) the 100 posters selected by our jury as well as two essays from Roger Hood and Carolyn Hood (from Oxford University) and the International Federation of Human Rights on why universal abolition of the death penalty is so important. 
The book has been designed by Ingrid van der Meulen (NL) and comes in three languages: English, French and Spanish so hopefully almost everyone can appreciate the book! 

The book costs 15 euros and is available to buy from our website and FNAC bookshops across France. 

You can see some pictures of it on our Facebook page, or watch this video below:

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on October 8th, 2010

10/10/10 exhibitions now live!

The “Death is not Justice” exhibitions organised by poster for tomorrow are now opening in around 50 locations. We fell short of our 100 cities objective, but we can’t really complain.

People from all over the world helped us to put together two times the number the number of exhibitions we organised last year. We thank everybody who took part in achieving this great result.
Here you can find some pictures from our opening celebration at Les Arts Decoratifs in Paris. More will come in the next days.
This weekend other exhibitions will open in cities as Strasbourg, Beirut, Minsk and many others, also thanks to our partners the Council of Europe and the World Coalition against Death Penalty.
The exhibitions will display the 100 best posters out of the 2094 we received from 81 countries around the world. A petition will be present at our events for everyone to sign and make their statement against the Death Penalty.
You can find a list of places where the 100 posters are being exhibited across the world on 10/10/10 on our website. To make as easy as possible to understand what’s going on where, we have an interactive map allowing you to browse all our activities, locations, times and programs. The events are also available on our Facebook page.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on October 5th, 2010

Update: Belfast exhibition

Poster for tomorrow will be in Belfast for 10/10/10, but not in the City Council premises. The exhibition will take place in form of a protest against the City Council decision of taking out 30 posters from the exhibition.

We were open to removing a couple of posters from the exhibition, but instead the council proposed to put 30 posters in a room with "controlled access" (in their own words) on the 1st floor of the City Hall building.
We don't consider this decision to be a fair one: although this isn't strictly censoring the posters, it feels like a politically correct decision to effectively cut the exhibition by a third and remove the said posters to a place where no one can see them (or at least see them with an added degree of difficulty).  We haven't accepted this offer nor do we plan to do so.
We'd like to point out that Belfast is the only city in the world in which our exhibition encountered this sort of resistance, out of a list that includes much more problematic cities such as Tbilisi, Marrakech, Beirut and 5 cities in Iran including Tehran.
A list of the events we're organising for 10/10/10 is available on our website and on our Facebook page.

Posted by Hervé Matine on September 26th, 2010

The events & the posters

It's now possible to browse the programmed activities taking place on 10/10/10 on our website. The interactive map is available to check locations, times and programs.

Here's a sneak preview of what our jurors selected as the 100 posters to be exhibited around the world. We’re very excited about the quality of the posters, and want to share ten with you before all 100 are published on 10/10/10. Enjoy!

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on September 26th, 2010

We will not be censored

Around four months ago our local organiser in Northern Ireland asked to Belfast City Council for permission to use the Belfast City Hall for a poster for tomorrow exhibition. In September the city council finally gave its approval after two deliberations, the first one dating back to June.

So when the final posters had been determined, we supplied the city council with a copy of the posters that were going to be exhibited, only to discover that the local councillors from the Democratic Unionist Party, the larger (and ruling) of the two main unionist political parties in Northern Ireland, were horrified by our pictures and didn't want at least 10 of the ones they considered the most shocking to be exhibited in their city hall.

The story was covered by the Irish News last Saturday. The article contains the thoughts of David Rodway, a DU Party councillor who sees himself as "a relatively open-minded person" who "can't understand why anyone would want to look at images of people being hanged", before calling poster for tomorrow a "communist committee".

The article was illustrated with one of the posters in question, made by Vladimir Sabillon, in which it is possible to see one of Goya's masterworks: "El tres de mayo 1808 en Madrid" inside a human silhouette surrounded by China's national colours. It's remarkable how a 200 years old painting of people being shot, as David Rodway might say, is still able to cause such debate.

There are other parts of the world where poster for tomorrow is not being welcome by governmental institutions. In Pakistan our local contact was arrested and released after three days for having tried to organise an exhibition in his home town. Also our local organisers in Malaysia and in Syria have been arrested on similar grounds.

As Hervé Matine told The Irish News: "we won't be censored by anyone". Many underground exhibitions are being organised at the moment in those countries where the death penalty is most controversial, China and Iran, and our supporters in Belfast are ready to place the posters in the streets if the city council will not allow us to hold the exhibition.



Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on September 1st, 2010

Gearing up for 10/10/10

With only just over a month to go, we are announcing our program for 10/10/10, the World Day against the Death Penalty and we're doing it with style using the poster that Alain Le Quernec has made for us. Please spread the love.

We have already confirmed exhibitions in New York, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, London, Sao Paolo, Beirut, Seoul and more than 30 other cities. You can see the complete list of the locations in our official press release. We’d like to thank the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament for their help in putting these all together.
We’re still looking for further locations; if you’re interested please get in touch.
There are many other updates about the petition from the Community of Sant’Egidio and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty that we're relaunching, on our exhibitions and music events and on how you can take part of it. If you're interested to know the details, we advise you to read the full press release pdf, which is available in other languages too. Look for the "latest press release" box on the left side of the screen.
The founding premise of poster for tomorrow is that we have strength in numbers. From today we hope to make that a stronger proposition by inviting you to become a member of poster for tomorrow. The more members we have, the more weight we have when talking to institutions, charities, governments, anyone and everyone. And the more we can get done.  
For thirty euros a year you receive a copy of catalogue and a range of discounts from our sponsors. But more importantly you’ll be helping ensure that we can carry on our work and keep on raising issues that matter in the public eye. Log in and find more details in your account page.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on August 21st, 2010

Google for Tomorrow

Google. The most important website (apart from ours) in the world. We’re trying to convince them to change their logo for 10/10/10, the World Day against the Death Penalty. 
Today we sent them a letter asking to support our cause. You can read it here. But to be able to convince them, we'll need your help.
So we’d like to ask you to create a logo especially for Google. You can use a poster you’ve already submitted to us as base, or do something completely new if you didn’t have the chance to participate to the poster competition. Each idea will be submitted to Google in support of our campaign.
We'll submit them all the logos we'll receive on the September the 21st, so the deadline for your entries in on September the 20th. If you can't make it on time, we encourage you to send your logo proposal on your own directly to Google.
To participate, just log in our website and scroll down in your account page to see the "Google for Tomorrow" button. Click on it and submit a proposal.
Be sure to use Google's official template as a base for your artwork. You can download the Google logo template from here.
Please read more about this initiative here.

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 26th, 2010

Free Sakineh!

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is a 43 year old Iranian woman who was sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery.

Her son Sajad and her daughter Farideh started an international campaign that has been already successful enough to prevent the verdict from being carried out. The campaign has been extensively reported on the English newspaper The Guardian, we suggest you to read the available articles to know more about it.

Iran, aware negative publicity that such a display of cruelty brings, put an halt on the execution. However, the review of the verdict is not likely to put Sakineh free, and the death sentence may still be carried out by hanging - the most common execution method in the country.

Sakineh still needs your help. Please sign a petition, or join the cause on facebook to keep the pressure on Iranian authorities and free Sakineh.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on July 26th, 2010

2094 posters received, thank you!

We’re delighted to announce that poster for tomorrow received 2094 posters for this year’s competition. The quality was exceptionally high and we’d like to thank everyone who entered; we hope, and we think, that we’ve amassed a body of creative work that can be of real use in the movement towards abolition. 

We’d also like to thank the associations who helped us the most to promote the competition: FIDH, Council of Europe and World Coalition Against Death Penalty. Thank you all very much! 
The online jury will start their work in August, before the live jury selects the final 100 posters in Paris in September.  All the posters will be made public on 10/10/10. 
But we don’t stop there, it’s a good news day all round; we’re pleased to announce that we have exhibitions already confirmed in New York (with the support of the United Nations) and Brussels (with the support
of European Union).
There are already 25 locations around the world that agreed to hold poster for tomorrow exhibitions on 10/10/10. We'll let you know more about it in an official update that we'll release in a couple of days. There's lots of new initiatives coming up, so please stay tuned!


Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on July 25th, 2010

Shirin Ebadi launches our new avatar initiative

We recently sat down with Shirin Ebadi, the Nobel peace prize laureate, to ask for her opinion on the death penalty and activism. You can read her answers below.

She also agreed to launch our new initiative to change your Facebook or Twitter avatar to a picture of yourself holding the “Death is Not Justice” logo.

It’s really easy to do, just download the logo here, print it and take a picture of you (or anyone else you want) holding it. See you on Facebook!


Poster for tomorrow: What is your personal motivation for campaigning against the death penalty? 
Shirin Ebadi: I'm against the death penalty as I am against any form of violence. It is simply barbaric. Moreover, there's always the chance of a mistake in the judicial process - a mistake that is impossible to reverse in the case of the death penalty. 

PFT: Why is it particularly important that people in "democratic countries" (like USA and Japan) that practice the death penalty campaign for universal abolition? 
SE: Because in these countries it is possible for public opinion to pressure the government to demand abolition. This is why it's important for the creative and cultural sectors of society to make the general public aware of the issue.

PFT: What can I do as an artist do to raise public awareness of this issue? 
SE: There are many books written about the death penalty and abolition but sometimes a picture or a cartoon or a painting can be much more effective than a book. People might not have the time or the opportunity to read books on the subject but a quick glance at a poster could have the same result.


Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on July 18th, 2010

Death is not Justice: Deadline postponed

We're postponing the "Death is not Justice " deadline three days, to give you a little bit extra time to participate. The reason why we're doing so is that we'd like to make sure that everybody who took the effort of designing a poster for the competition will be able to enter it. But many of you had technical issues in uploading their artworks.

Hopefully you'll be able to address those issues in the next few days, with some help coming from our side too – we're trying to handle all your requests as quick as possible.
In case you need assistance, don't hesitate dropping us a line or writing on our facebook page.

The new deadline is Thursday the 22st of July, at midday (12:00), Pacific Daylight time (GMT +7).

Posted by Will Georgi on July 6th, 2010

Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner speaks to Poster for Tomorrow

Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner is the wife of Hank Skinner, a man who has spent the last fifteen years on Death row trying to prove his innocence.

Hank was convicted of murder on three counts in 1994 and sentenced to death in 1995. However there are numerous unanswered questions and untested evidence to justify his claim of innocence:

he was convicted only on the evidence of a state witness who later recanted her evidence; medical testing before the trial excluded him as a suspect; while key evidence from the crime scene, including the murder weapons, is still be tested for DNA. The state of Texas has denied two motions for this evidence to be tested. It's not sure why. These are grounds (at the very least) for reasonable doubt to be cast on Hank's conviction - a conviction, it should be remembered, that will see him lose his life.

Sandrine has been fighting against the death penalty for the vast majority of her life. She met Hank after being invited by the Lamp of Hope project (set up and run by Death Row prisoners) to correspond with a couple of prisoners on Death Row. After four years of correspondence they started to visit in 2000 and were married in October 2008. Sandrine was kind enough to take time out from her busy schedule to provide us with her perspective on Hank's case and the inherent injustice of the death penalty.


What made you become an active abolitionist?
A long, long time before I met Hank - before I turned 16, a 22 year old man was executed in France. I realized that my country had just cut a young man alive in half in my name and I couldn't believe that my country still engaged in such barbaric practices.

Why do you think the state are withholding DNA evidence in your husband's case?
The main reason is political. The courts do not want to set precedents to start off with. Despite the enactment of the Chapter 64 post conviction DNA bill passed in 2001 in Texas, hardly any Death Row prisoners have been granted relief and particularly not those with strong cases of wrongful conviction. The continued use of Death Penalty and Death Row prisoners for political propaganda by politicians cannot allow for innocence or cover-up to be revealed. Too many people have actively contributed in hiding or covering the truth in Hank's case, they have a lot to lose. The more time goes by, the harder it is to uncover it. A justice system which uses the perfect application of procedures doesn't care for the truth, this system has nothing to do with justice.

What is the reality of being married to an (innocent) man on death row?
Lonely, harsh and nerve-wrecking.

Do you think the recent (and highly publicized) executions in America will sway public opinion nationally or internationally?
This sort of coverage feeds both sides with various and renewed arguments for and against. Public opinion internationally doesn't need to be convinced that America is on the wrong side of the fence; in America it's still wrongly reported and documented by the media for people to listen and aptly comprehend the arguments against the Death Peanlty.

And what does it say that it takes a death for people to realize the gravity of the situation?
Most people who don't know anything about the prison system and the death penalty, the gravity of the situation doesn't touch them, they believe that it will never happen to a loved one, that they're immune from such dramatic situation, until the day it happens to them… The work done by victims' families and exonerees is vital to the abolition cause because people can relate to the horror of the human experience.

Can a legal system, or a country, call itself just if it practices the death penalty?
No, never. This kind of justice belongs to the Middle Ages, it's a barbaric practice and it will inevitably disappear. It is not a matter of whether it will happen, but only when it will happen.

What do you think it will take for abolition to actually happen?
It's going to take courage from politicians to take the politics out of justice. As long as politicians continue to seek public approval on this issue, they will keep hitting their heads against the same wall. Abolition is a moral choice for future generations while public opinion will constantly be swayed by one horrible crime or another. It is also going to take awareness and education on the part of the public; people need to realize that crime is instrumentalized for political purposes and that it has nothing to do with public safety.

And what can people do to make this happen?
People need to be curious, ask questions to their legislators and representatives, ask questions to the media which are mostly spreading politics rather than doing in-depth work on cases. People need to get involved within their communities, their counties, their state and their country.

Could you summarize your objection to the death penalty in one sentence?
The death penalty is torture and vengeance, it doesn't have a place in a civilized justice system.

And what will you be doing on 10/10/10?
I'll be in Paris, talking and participating at different events for the World Day against the Death Penalty. The theme this year is the USA, so I'll be able to share some of my experiences in Texas.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on June 17th, 2010

Justice for Troy Davis

poster for tomorrow is taking part to Amnesty International campaign: "Justice for Troy Davis!"
Troy Davis, 40, who has always protested his innocence, has been on death row since 1991. He has already faced three execution dates in the past two years. In August 2009 the US Supreme Court ruled that he should be allowed an evidentiary hearing into his claim of innocence.
The evidentiary hearing will be held in a few days, on June the 23rd. For who's not familiar with the US legal system, an evidentiary hearing - which is not a trial - is a formal examination of charges, to receive testimony and make finding of fact as to whether evidence that could not have been obtained at the time of trial clearly establishes petitioner’s innocence.
This means that we have a chance to show to the US authorities that the public, at home as well as internationally, is very attentive and hopeful that the justice system will finally provide a fair process.
Amnesty International is organising a Global Day of Solidarity for Troy Davis on June 22, just one day before the hearing.
poster for tomorrow will be present at the event held in Strasbourg, France.
For more information about events in your area, please follow these links:
US and international (it will be updated constantly in the next few days):
Background information:
Troy Davis was convicted in 1991 of killing a police officer, Mark Allen MacPhail, in Savannah, Georgia in 1989. However, since the trial most of the witnesses the state relied upon to convict him have retracted their testimony.
Georgia is one of 35 US states to retain the death penalty. Since the USA resumed judicial killing in 1977, more than 1,170 men and women have been put to death there. Georgia accounts for 45 of these executions. 
More information about Troy's case can be found here. (ou ici en français).


Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on June 16th, 2010

New feature: user registration

We've been busy behind to scenes to prepare a whole new system to handle users and submissions on our website. It's a small revolution that will make participating to the contest a lot easier. It's also our first step to build a proper online community. 

From today is now possible for you, and for everyone, to register to the website and get an account. Once registered you'll be able to manage in a simple and reliable way all the relevant information about your profile and, most importantly, your submissions. 

This means you'll be able to change your personal information, keep track of your entries and be 100% sure that it's all safely in our database. 

Please click on the "sign up" link on the left corner of the top navigation bar and get ready for the release of our call for entries on April the 10th. 

Photos by Ouyea and Mioi

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on June 9th, 2010

Death is not Justice: Official Call for Entries poster

You've been waiting for it and here it is, our call for entries poster. It might not be very timely, but it's better late than never...

We'd like to thank the author, Julian Naranjo, who designed the touching artwork.
Julian is renowned Chilean designer who runs a studio by his own name. We're happy to have him on board as a member of our online jury.
We hope you'll like the poster. It comes in a variety of flavours, for you to post, print and distribute. Thank you so much for your support!
Click on a format to download it:
Screen formats: 400x606 | 500x757 | 680x1030
Print formats: A4 | A3 | 25x35cm

Posted by Will Georgi on May 14th, 2010

FIDH endorses Poster for Tomorrow

 We are proud to announce that Poster for Tomorrow has been endorsed by FIDH, aka the International Federation for Human Rights.
FIDH was established in 1922, when it united ten national organisations. Today it consists of 164 human rights organisations in nearly 100 countries.

FIDH’s core mandate is to promote respect for all the rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

We're very pleased to be associated with them and with their help we hope we're a step closer to accomplishing our shared aim of universal abolition of the death sentence.

Posted by Will Georgi on May 12th, 2010

Iran: Five political activists executed: Effective action urgently needed

Yesterday morning, on the 9th May 2010, five political prisoners were executed in the Evin prison in Tehran. Four of them were Kurdish (an ethnic minority in Iran) and had been condemned to death for involvement with PJAK, the Free Life Party of Kurdistan. Three had been condemned after a non-public trial held, while the fourth was allegedly tortured before being forced to publicly confess on TV. The fifth was executed for his (denied) involvement in bombings. Neither the relatives of the political activists executed nor their lawyers have been informed that they would be executed. 
“Members of the Baluch, Kurdish and south-Iranian Arab ethnic groups are frequently victims of summary trials and regularly sentenced to death and executed. These practices illustrate the Iranian authorities' total disregard for its own population, and for international human rights standards that they should uphold”, commented Mr. Karim Lahidji, Vice-president of FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) and President of LDDHI (The Iranian League for the Defense of Human Rights). 
These executions represent a shocking, tragic, and indefensible abuse of justice and a horrific violation of human rights. This is why we must have a universal abolition of the death penalty. 
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the five prisoners: Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Farzad Kamanga, Mehdi Eslamian and Shirin Alam-Hulee Mehdi.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on April 21st, 2010

Xiao Yong joins poster for tomorrow jury

When we were coming up with our live jury, we sent out a message to Xiao Yong, a Beijing based graphic designer that we greatly admire for his dedication in the design education and design awareness fields.
As we didn't hear back from him, we supposed he wasn't interested. But the delay in his reply was only accidental - blame tight working schedules for that.
So even if we already announced our live jury members, please let us make an exception for such a praiseworthy designer. Let's welcome Xiao in our live jury.
Xiao Yong is currently serving as a Icograda board member. He's a professor at CAFA, Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China and a visiting professor at University of Arts London. 
He has worked extensively for Chinese government institutions and designed the medals for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Xiao Yong was recognized as of the “Top 10 Chinese designers” in 2007 and his firm, XiaoYong Design, is one of the most influentials in China.
You can read more about him and see his works at:


Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on April 9th, 2010

Call for Entries opens

The poster for tomorrow competition for 2010 is now open for entries. This year we we're calling for universal abolition of the death penalty under the theme: death is not justice. 
We believe in design, and posters, as a medium to inspire social change.
What you create as an artist, graphic designer or art director can inform, provoke emotion and motivate people to action. It’s a great gift.
And a gift you can use to inspire change in the world. 
We believe the death penalty is a violation of human rights and that it has no place in modern society. And that’s what we want to change in 2010. We hope you’ll join us.
One poster is a start. But hundreds, thousands, become a movement that cannot be denied. 
Please download the complete call for entries in English here, or look for it in your own language in the links on the right.
More translations will be available soon.


Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on March 17th, 2010

Liberté, égalité, fraternité for tomorrow

We’re very happy to announce that just yesterday poster for tomorrow has been endorsed by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

We hope this agreement will mark the start of a fruitful collaboration with one of France’s most important governmental institutions.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on March 15th, 2010

Show detained human rights defenders you care about them

Nowruz (from Farsi, literally "new day") is a non-religious festivity that’s celebrated on the first day of spring in countries like Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and Tajikistan since some 15,000 years ago.
Amongst other things, celebration includes walking on hot coals.

This festivity is particularly important for Iranians, but many of them won’t be able to celebrate it because their loved ones are languishing in prison.

Amnesty International has launched an action to send greetings to Nowruz greetings to seven detainees - the number has been picked according to another ancient tradition related to the celebration.
Some of the detainees are human rights activists but others are scholars, journalists and one graphic designer. You can help these deserving people by letting them know they are not forgotten on a day so important for them. Just design them a nice postcard.

You can find the guidelines on how to send your greetings on Amnesty’s USA site. Please follow them correctly.

Photo by Bertil Vildet

Death is not justice