Posted by Hervé Matine on October 26th, 2019

Poster for tomorrow in 2019 and 2020

At the start of the year we decided to skip our traditional poster contest and have a whole year dedicated to exhibitions showcasing the best of the 39,000 posters we received over the last decade. These exhibitions have already started (see below).
Significantly, this plan of action allowed us to properly analyse what we have done previously and what we want to do in the future. So far there is one thing that we can tell you for certain: from now on poster for tomorrow will be a biennale.
Leaving a year between editions will win us valuable time that will transform all our operations: there’ll be more time for better management, more effective preparation, more efficient planning and more detailed, clearer briefs, all of which will lead to an increase in the quality of the poster competition and better organised exhibitions. The extra time will also give us more time to manage and set up more workshops and establish more partnerships both in and outside the design community.
Right now we are fine-tuning our ideas, making hard decisions and finalizing plans. The good news is that our 2020 program will be announced before the end of the year (fingers crossed).
We hope that you’re excited about this as we are!
Speak to you soon,
The poster for tomorrow team.
Read our press release in your language HERE

Exhibitions hold since January 2019:
Aix-en-Provence, Couarde Sur Mer, Lille, Lyon, Montreuil, Nantes, Paris, Renouard, Saint Amand les eaux and Saint Etienne
Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Canada, Cyprus, Ecuador, United States, Grece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Morocco, Mexico, Pakistan and Portugal.

Posted by Hervé Matine on September 16th, 2019

September 16, is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

This is an occasion for us to remind that we still need to talk about it!
Our last edition "A planet for tomorrow" has been exhibited in more than 60 cities.
If you are interested by setting up an exhibition of these 100 brilliant posters in your city, university or institution, don't hesitate to drop us an email.
© Rashid Rahnama - 2018

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 4th, 2019

Today is the Plastic Bag Free Day!

An opportunity to spread the word that everyone of us can be part of the solution by reducing plastic usage, replacing it with sustainable alternatives reusing & recycling.

Let’s create a more circular economy.
© Anais Besnardeau - A planet for tomorrow

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 25th, 2018

Host "A Planet for tomorrow" exhibition in you city!

if you're a school, a designer, professional associations or an NGO, or if you'd simply like to hold the exhibition in your city, we'd love to hear from you. We provide the files and help you to set up an exhibition.
Drop us an email at exhibitions (at) posterfortomorrow [dot] org.

Day for Tomorrow

Our “Day for Tomorrow 2018” is September 16, International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer and the anniversary of the signing (in 1987) of the revolutionary Montreal Protocol. We are currently putting together some special events for the day, stay tuned and connected to find out more details nearer the time. 

100 Posters, 50 Days
The exhibition of the 100 Best posters entered to this year’s contest exhibition will take place in Paris at La Halle Pajol. It will open on Thursday, September 13th and will remain open for 50 days. A particular highlight will be the celebration of World Ozone Layer Day on Sunday, September 16th, but everyone is welcome to visit throughout the 50 days.

For the 10th consecutive year the 100 best posters of the 2018 edition of poster for tomorrow will be published in an original catalogue. This will  be released on the opening day, and a pre-order page will be available soon on our website.

Paris Design Week | 06-15 September 2018
The A Planet for Tomorrow exhibition will be part of the Paris Design Week program, where in addition to social design you can explore showrooms, boutiques, galleries, workshops, exhibitions and institutions in more than 200 locations across Paris.
Read and download our exhibition press release here

Posted by Hervé Matine on June 26th, 2018


Here is our traditional photo of A Planet for tomorrow » live jury!
Our Live jury members selected the best 100 posters of this year’s competition. The results of the jury’s deliberation will be announced a few days before the end of July. That will give enough time for everyone to get ready for the big worldwide opening of our exhibition around 16 of September!
We will keep you posted! Thank you.
You can check the names here.

Posted by Hervé Matine on June 21st, 2018

We are now preparing the Live Jury

On June 20th, Our last members of online jury team have finished their work. So far we now have our 400 shortlisted posters under printing process!
A warm and sincere thank all of them.
This Monday morning June 25th, our Live Jury member will meet and spend the whole day at poster for tomorrow headquarters.
We will surely announce our traditional TOP 10 posters during the night.
As you already know, this year worldwide exhibition is on September 16th International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.
Good luck to all and let’s get ready!

Posted by Hervé Matine on May 24th, 2018

The online jury platform is now open!

On last Wednesday May 16th, We have closed our call for entries.
A planet for tomorrow has recorded 3654 entries.
We have eliminated, deleted and sanctioned mostly half of the received posters.
The online jury platform is now open! Our 30 jury members are going to start visualize, examine and vote. Their mission is preselect 400 posters.
This is going to last 30 days.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who entered the competition, all our supporters and friends!
We'll keep you posted with more news soon...

Posted by Hervé Matine on May 8th, 2018

Let’s make our planet great again!

Let’s make our planet great again! No matter President Trump's decision about Paris Agreement..
We are extending our deadline for 5 more days.
Check if your entries if they are properly finalized.
Your artwork without a title is not a valid work.
We will delete your artwork if it has already been submitted to another poster competition.
(this is actually the case for more than 100 entries).
Don't hesitate to read our regulations file as well as FAQ.
The new deadline is May 15th at midnight Paris time.
In case you need assistance, don't hesitate dropping us a line or writing on our facebook page.
Good luck to all of you!

Posted by Hervé Matine on April 10th, 2018

30 days to go!

30 days to go!
It's time to accelerate!
We are eagerly waiting for your entries! United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change campaign need powerful visual to convince governments!
Countries need to chart an ambitious course limiting greenhouse gas emissions from shipping. Maritime transport is responsible for around 2.5% of global emissions, and its emissions are projected to grow between 50 and 250 percent by 2050.
We will keep you posted with more inspiration sources.
To take part of this last poster competition, read our FAQ here. Good luck!
Brief in several languages here.

Posted by Hervé Matine on February 20th, 2018

A Planet for tomorrow | Call for entries is open

February 20th - May 10th

We are opening now the call for entries of the last edition of our poster contest. You have until Thursday the 10th May to enter the contest and submit your poster entries through our website.

The full brief, regulations and more tips are as usual available for download in several languages inside the prject menu and here.

We would like to thank Olimpia Zangoli for her kind contibution with her colorful artwork for a A planet for tomorrow.

Important dates for "A planet for tomorrow" poster contest

February 20th: Contest open
May 10th Deadline for Entries
May 20 th Online Jury
June 25th Live Jury
September 16th Worldwide Exhibition:
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

Good luck – and get busy!

Posted by Hervé Matine on January 20th, 2018


2018 marks the 10th and final edition of poster of tomorrow in its current form.
Since 2009 we have reached – and surpassed - many of our initial goals. We have established a large community of designers who are now actively involved in social design. We have hosted debates and workshops in schools and universities all around the world and received tens of thousands of posters for our competitions.
But perhaps the greatest sign of how far not poster for tomorrow, but the human rights movement, has come in the last ten years is the popularity of December 10th, International Human Rights Day. When we chose this day to launch our annual exhibitions on this day, it was to mark an important day that we felt was given too little attention by the international community. Now it celebrated by more and more people every year as an important date on the calendar, a status we are happy to have contributed to in a little way.

However, with all the success enjoyed by poster for tomorrow, we have noticed that most attention goes towards the annual poster contest, rather than the human rights issues at the heart of our movement. We are, of course, happy and proud that thousands of people are proud to be associated with a human rights graphic design contest, but we want to put the focus on human rights again, not the contest. Furthermore, the world is changing and we want to be part of that change.

Therefore 2018 is the final edition of poster of tomorrow in its current form.

We are currently working on how we can evolve and emerge in 2019 with different tools to draw more attention to human rights that are ever more at risk. Events around the world show that debate and dialogue are vital if we are to live in a world in which we are all truly equal. Our goal for 2019 and beyond is to drive this dialogue wherever and however we can.

But first, 2018. To celebrate the last nine years and look towards to the future, we have chosen to make this year’s theme one that affects all our futures: the environment. To quote President Macron, we want to make our planet great again.

Therefore the theme for 2018 is ‘A Planet for Tomorrow’. The brief will be released together with the Call for Entries on February 20. As you might have noticed, that’s a change from our regular schedule, as is the date of the live jury, and the date of the premiere exhibition, which now falls on Sunday 16 September - International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

No less significantly, we have reduced the amount of entries per person from 9 to 3. This underlines our commitment to the issues at the heart of the contest, rather than chasing a higher number of entries for the contest.

A Planet for tomorrow