Please note that speed and quality are essential.
We need simple, informative and engaging visual materials that will convince children
to change their habits – and we need them now.

You can find the design brief here:

Press relase and brief

Posted by Hervé Matine on July 11th, 2020

Mission Accomplished!

Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

Posted by Hervé Matine on April 8th, 2020

COVID-19, A New War in Syria

Poster for Tomorrow launch ‘COVID-19, A New War in Syria’, a campaign to help the Syrian Chid protection (Hurras) a local based NGO to provide sanitary packs and visual information guides to combat COVID-19 in refugee camps in Syria. We are urgently looking for financial donations and designers to make visual materials.

How you can help?
Buy sanitary packs for Idlib. With your help we hope to create 10000 kits or more. We have opened a KissKissBankBank account! Every donation will save lives, so please give what you can! Even One Euro!
Link to the campaign page

Posted by Hervé Matine on December 31st, 2018

Happy and healthy new year to you all!

2019 is going to be the year of conferences, talks, debates and exhibitions. We will talk to you soon from Karachi (January 15-21).
All the best.
Thank you dear Mauro Gatti, for the visual.

Posted by Hervé Matine on June 1st, 2015

Grand Paris Design Days

We hope you had a good weekend. We’ve got more exciting news from poster for tomorrow:
Today is the start of D’Days, the Grand Paris Design Festival. We weren’t going to miss out on this festival in our home city – if you’re in town, we’ve got plenty of activities for your delectation:
1. A poster for tomorrow retrospective will be held at Carreau Du Temple, 4 rue Eugene Spuller.
More details on the exhibition here:
2. Our very own Hervé Matine, together with Raouf Karray, will be leading two workshops on recycling and making your own handmade paper.
The workshops on June 4th and 6th are free but you must sign up in advance here if you’re interested:
3. As part of Think Life, an international design forum during D’Days, we’re taking part in a talk on Sunday 7 June called Design Is Commitment. Hervé is part of a distinguished panel including Caroline Naphegyi from Design for Change and Unqui design agency. Again, you need to register for (free) tickets in advance, you can do that here:

We hope to see you there!

Posted by Lynda De Haan on February 12th, 2015

Design and Social Transformation

February 19th - Poster for tomorrow in Barcelona
During the first semester of 2015, the FAD (Fostering Arts and Design), with the support of Mazda Rebels, is scheduling a series of events to learn and debate about objects and concepts that trigger, promote, and feed social change through design.
Hervé is invited to present poster for tomorrow in the opening night of ‘FAD Opinion Networks' focused specifically on Design, Protest and Contention.
More information and inscription:

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on January 3rd, 2014

Poster for Tomorrow endorses “Fête du Graphisme”

poster for tomorrow endorses the first edition of Fête du Graphisme, the first national event dedicated to graphic arts in France. The event will take place in Paris starting from 15 January and ending on 15 February.

Venues such as the Docks – City of Fashion and Design, Gaîté Lyrique, MK2 Bibliothèque and the National Library of France (BnF) will host shows, screenings and meetings to promote and develop graphic arts in France.

Graphic design exhibitions will be on display on the streets of Paris, including the famous promenade on Champs-Elysées. As Paris is our home as well, we are glad to see an initiative that will allow graphic design professionals from France and abroad to take on this important stage for once. We strongly hope that this will help to place the city on the map as a graphic design capital.

The project is produced by Artevia, an agency specialised in social and cultural project development. Fête du Graphisme has received the patronage of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication and is sponsored by the city of Paris. We’re very happy to add our endorsement to a project that aims to show to the public the beauty and the complexity of the graphic design industry while highlighting the cultural contributions that the graphic arts bring to society. 

In case you happen to be in Paris during the festival, please make sure to check the event programme at or on the official Facebook page at 

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on March 19th, 2010

Happy Nowruz!

 In just half an hour or so it will be Nowruz around here, which marks the start of the Iranian new year (1389) - and spring!
Above there’s a persian poem celebrating this - please bear with us if we don’t add the translation, which would hardly do justice to the original.
So, happy Nowruz, and spring, to everybody.

Posted by Tommaso Minnetti on February 1st, 2010

Welcome to our new website

It’s the start of our activities in 2010. A new year, a new website, a new theme.

Today we’re launching our plans for 2010 at the World Congress against the Death Penalty in Geneva. Because that’s what we want to achieve this year - draw people’s attention to the injustice of (and hopefully abolish) the death penalty.

Our main man Hervé is in Geneva today presenting our project to hundreds of associations already working against the death penalty. We want to add our voices to theirs to make as much noise as possible this October on 10/10/10, the World Day against the death penalty, so people will listen to us. And we want to ask for your help.

Not just designing a poster either. This year music is going to be part of our activities as well. We also want to make more of our design events, and use them as a platform for people to stand together against the death penalty.

That’s a short(ish) summary of what we want to do this year. If you’d like to know more, please read our press release (here). You’ll find it in a selection of languages on your right hand side.

Speak to you soon,

Posted by Hervé Matine on March 9th, 2009

Amnesty International endorses Poster4Tomorrow

One month after the official launch of Poster4Tomorrow, we are pleased to announce that the Italian chapter of Amnesty International is now supporting our project.
This is another recognition that encourges us in what we are doing: trying, with our humble means, to raise awareness in the public about such an important topic as Freedom of Expression.

COVID-19, A New War in Syria